Ponsonby Civic Space – July Update

The karakia dawn blessing of the new civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road, was held on Thursday 6 June. The ceremony was hosted by the Waitematā Local Board and marked the commencement of the project’s construction phase – stage 2 of the development. It also recognised the significant contributions of mana whenua, the community, and the project team, leading up to this momentous occasion.

The event was led by mana whenua. The kaumātua were; Auckland Council – Richard Nahi, Matanga – Tikanga me Te Reo Māori. Malcolm Davis – Kaupapa Maori Cultural Competency Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and Phil Wihongi – Toi Tuhono roopu. Tamariki from Ponsonby Intermediate also attended and were specifically acknowledged by Phil Wihongi. 

The Community-Led Design Group (CLDG) would like to take this opportunity to thank EVERYONE for their considerable work, dedication, and stamina in reaching this stage of the project’s development. 

In other CLDG news; 
We have partnered with Places for Good, who have run several workshops with 3 local schools. School students input their ideas into the design of the hoarding mural. They have also established the ‘Sidewalk Gallery’ on the hoarding. The first tranche of artwork, by Ponsonby Intermediate students, is now on display there. So why not stroll along the strip to check it out soon?

We attended the 18 June Waitematā Local Board business meeting, presenting a deputation* formally requesting support from the Board to enable the community aspiration for a Community Garden at the rear of the site. This was also championed in the meeting’s Public Forum by Places for Good, presented by Boopsie Maran. We thank the Waitematā Local Board for their time and engagement and we now hope to work productively with the Board to achieve this community aspiration.

Nico was only 5 years old when he voted for his chosen design in the March 2017, CLDG consultation. Last month he attended the dawn blessing ceremony. Here he reviews his school’s artwork at the new ’Sidewalk Gallery’. 

The procurement process is underway to appoint a contractor for stage 2, the construction of the development. The new civic space will soon begin to rise from the asphalt like a magnificent Phoenix – a creature that is a symbol of renewal and rebirth. 
Bring it on!

*The full CLDG deputation is available on this website in the Documents section.
The recorded Waitematā Local Board meeting will soon be available at;


About Jennifer Ward 157 Articles


  1. I strongly feel that the Leys Institute Project should have taken priorty over this park project.
    Where did they magic up the money from?
    Long time resident of St Mary’s Bay.

    • The Community-Led Design Group (CLDG) for Ponsonby Park, the new civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road, has also been concerned about the magnificent Leys Institute and Gymnasium falling into disrepair. We have met with and supported Helen Geary’s considerable work in defending the Leys. So it’s great news that this has been successful https://ourauckland.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/news/2024/07/leys-institute-to-be-restored-and-protected-with-additional-9-5-million-council-boost/
      As for the funding for Ponsonby Park, this came from an endowment – a gift to Auckland. The endowment came with many stipulations and constraints that meant it had to be allocated to a ‘new’ project. The Leys at the time was still our functioning library and community hub, so it wasn’t on the radar, nor was it a ‘new’ project. Fortunately Ponsonby Park was well advanced through our years of Community consultation work so that it could receive the endowment. A win-win for the community.
      Soon the construction work will be underway and this new civic space will be available for everyone to enjoy.

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